Eastern Shores

3405 N Miami Beach Blvd
North Miami Beach , FL 33160

At the entrance of the east affluent Eastern Shores neighborhood, Eastern Shores Shopping Center is a 26,743 square foot retail plaza anchored by 1st United Bank with national tenants such as Dunkin Donuts and Subway

2013 Demographics Estimates 1 mile 3 miles 5 miles
Population 27,084 141,657 348,582
Number of Households 14,434 59,226 138,449
Average Household Income $71,952 $68,560 $61,852
Unit # Current Tenant Sq. Ft
3427 Empire Szechuan 2,400
3431 Dr. Mark Dulberg 1,500
3435 Dr. Jeffrey Lebow 1,125
3439 Portovino Restaurant 2,250
3455 Moon Thai 2,820
3459 Make It Fit 1,400
3463 Subway 1,500
3467 Dunkin Donuts 2,250
3475 Nail Salon 1,125
3479 Postal 1,375
3483-3487 Alvarez Dental 3,000
3491 Optometry 1,500
3495 Green Growth Brands 3,335
Unit # space available Sq. Ft
3447 Pulse 163 1,150

Property Facts

Property Size: 28,035 SF

Space Available: 1,150

Major Tenants: Dunkin Donuts, Subway